Time for Change
Integrity is an important ideal for me both personally and professionally. As an attorney I have an obligation in my professional life to act with integrity to my clients, adversaries and the court. Personally, I always strive to act with honesty and to do what I believe is right, even if it is not the popular choice. As a member of the Board of Education, I will carefully consider every agenda item and vote that I am asked to take, to determine what I believe is the best decision for the students of Verona, as they will be my primary concern as a member of the BOE.

Communication is a two-way street. As a BOE we must listen to the concerns and thoughts of our community. Also, we must endeavor to disseminate clear and appropriate information related to the school district. As Verona faces new challenges in the coming years, it is important the community as a whole is welcomed into the conversation and that their thoughts and suggestions regarding any changes to the makeup of the schools are carefully considered. If we are to maintain the Verona that we all know and love, we must work together.

Innovation is a new idea, method, or device or the introduction of something new. Verona is facing challenges in the coming years. One of the highlights of the Covid-19-related difficulties was realizing the wealth of knowledge and experience our residents possess. As we face the coming challenges these residents should be tapped into to provide advice and support to the BOE. They should be invited into the conversation, not just at prescribed times at public Board meetings, but wherever it is appropriate.
